Many of us have celebrated Christmas this year in the comfort of our homes, with the warmth of our close family members and for others in snowing regions, under a roof in a house oozing with the warmth of a burning fire. We have spent, drank, eaten good food, received and given gifts, laughed and have enjoyed the warmth that comes with spending Christmas and New Years with family and friends. Sad to say this isnt the case for everyone. I came across a story of a difficult Christmas for Syrian Refugees.
Spent under cold snowy weather, in thin muddy tents, with hardly access to a hot bowl of soup, that is not the worst part of being a Syrian refugee. Being away from close family and friends is part of it and not knowing whether they are safe, alive or dead only makes it all worse.
One story that captured my attention is from Global Voices Online, of Ayesha, a 29-year-old woman living in the Atma refugee camp in Idlib Province, in northwest Syria. She is one of an estimated 50 pregnant
women in the camp of internally displaced Syrians; where there’s an acute need for baby milk.
children have only the thin clothes on their backs and the daily food
ration provided by the camp’s communal kitchen. She’s terrified of the
toll the mounting cold and wet winter will take on her fragile newborn
baby. Imagine being
heavily pregnant and also giving birth in a refugee camp?
Christmas celebrations in Syria were marred by violence and suppression
across the country while a number of displaced Christians were forced to
celebrate the Christmas in refugee camps set up in the neighboring
country, Lebanon. The 21-month-old conflict has put future of religious
minority at risk as extremists and al-Qaeda linked militants are gaining
access in the violence-wracked country rapidly. World powers including the United States, France and Britain have failed
to evolve a consensus on how to ease President Bashar al-Assad. outlines that out of security concerns, Mass was performed in the afternoon instead of
the normal time of midnight. Hundreds of Christians prayed for security
and peace in Syria; so that they could return to their homeland. Pope
Benedict XVI also prayed for peace and harmony in Syria in his annual
Christmas message. The Pope also urged for dialogue in the pursuit of a
political solution to the conflict. The United Nations peace envoy
Brahimi is also on an official visit to Syria where he has held detailed
meetings with President Assad and other relevant staff in a bid to find
ways to restore peace and stability in the volatile country. Let’s see
what Brahimi’s visit brings up for ordinary citizens of Syria.
The Syrian situation doesn't only remind me to be grateful about what I have, even the little that I have, but it reminds us once again all that still needs to be done to make this world a better place.
There are many ways that you can help refugees, whether they are right in your own community or half a world away.
If there are refugee services in your area, contact them and see if
there’s something you can do to help, even if it’s just extending a
smile and a welcoming hand.
Also I am sure you have heard of the saying, sharing is caring. The more we share about the injustices in this world, the more we will be heard, the more awareness we will build around the issue and hopefully something will be done about the issues plaguing our fellow human beings.
Wishing all of you a Happy New 2013!
Monday, 31 December 2012
Friday, 28 December 2012
My views on Christmas and on being an African woman
So Christmas season is almost over, for others its in actual fact over. For others, we are still enjoying the nostalgia that comes with the season, after all it is termed the season to be jolly. For others it was all about traveling, for some it was visiting family. Well, if you are an African woman, and Zimbabwean at that, you probably spent your Christmas at kumusha, the rural areas, visiting family and cooking over a hot blazing fire for 2 or 3 days non stop. The competition is particularly stiff among what we call the varooras, sisters in law, to out-cook each other, out-wash the dishes, out-work our hands to the bone. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think this stigma still exists to some extent. Whether its just African cultures or just the overall "norm", its something that has taken place for decades to come. Because of this, Christmas has just become another huge hassle for women to out-perform each other. Can I honestly say, to me its just another unnecessary platform to showcase our insecurities, without sounding too brutal?
Happily enough, I wasn't in Zimbabwe this Christmas, so I managed to dodge the whole cooking and cleaning extravaganza, but I still feel for my African sisters out there who must still slave away at the stove in order to prove their worth. It demeans a woman's worth to nothing more than just a substitute for the gadgets that now exist for domestic purposes. Okay, so maybe that was a bit brutal, but my overall understanding is that Christmas is supposed to be a time to spend with family, because you genuinely want to see and visit family, because you genuinely want to find out how the aunt or uncle you have not spoken to in a while is keeping. In other words, if we could afford take-out, would it be so bad to just buy take-out and enjoy still the company of our relatives or would we feel incomplete as women, as if we haven't had a proper Christmas without all the hard work that is expected of us over the seasons. Would take-out take away the meaning and essence of the season? Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying lets not cook at Christmas! What I am saying is, the objective is not to cook and clean and do who knows what to prove that we are the perfect hard working excellent chefs and wives and women that I believe we are. The objective is to enjoy the company of your relatives, to be of merry cheer. Now if cooking is one way someone shows their giving then go on ahead, but this cannot be the norm for all of us women for some of us prefer to give in other ways.
The role of the African woman has been defined for so long, I now begin to wonder if we even know who we are anymore. My point is, let Christmas be Christmas. Let it be a time to be merry, to be happy, to be jolly. It can even be a time to rest. Why not? Lets celebrate what its really meant to be about. If you want to give to the poor go ahead, if you want to have pizza go ahead, if you just want to be at home relaxing and watching some television, go ahead. Its a time to be merry and joyful and I personally believe, restful. Spend time together, sing, gift-give if you want, just have fun! No segregation, no expectations! Is this too radical? Lets be more grateful for having one another, than what we can do for one another, and what we can give one another. Lets change our mentality. Hoping you all had a Merry Christmas this year!
Happily enough, I wasn't in Zimbabwe this Christmas, so I managed to dodge the whole cooking and cleaning extravaganza, but I still feel for my African sisters out there who must still slave away at the stove in order to prove their worth. It demeans a woman's worth to nothing more than just a substitute for the gadgets that now exist for domestic purposes. Okay, so maybe that was a bit brutal, but my overall understanding is that Christmas is supposed to be a time to spend with family, because you genuinely want to see and visit family, because you genuinely want to find out how the aunt or uncle you have not spoken to in a while is keeping. In other words, if we could afford take-out, would it be so bad to just buy take-out and enjoy still the company of our relatives or would we feel incomplete as women, as if we haven't had a proper Christmas without all the hard work that is expected of us over the seasons. Would take-out take away the meaning and essence of the season? Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying lets not cook at Christmas! What I am saying is, the objective is not to cook and clean and do who knows what to prove that we are the perfect hard working excellent chefs and wives and women that I believe we are. The objective is to enjoy the company of your relatives, to be of merry cheer. Now if cooking is one way someone shows their giving then go on ahead, but this cannot be the norm for all of us women for some of us prefer to give in other ways.
The role of the African woman has been defined for so long, I now begin to wonder if we even know who we are anymore. My point is, let Christmas be Christmas. Let it be a time to be merry, to be happy, to be jolly. It can even be a time to rest. Why not? Lets celebrate what its really meant to be about. If you want to give to the poor go ahead, if you want to have pizza go ahead, if you just want to be at home relaxing and watching some television, go ahead. Its a time to be merry and joyful and I personally believe, restful. Spend time together, sing, gift-give if you want, just have fun! No segregation, no expectations! Is this too radical? Lets be more grateful for having one another, than what we can do for one another, and what we can give one another. Lets change our mentality. Hoping you all had a Merry Christmas this year!
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Girl mutilation needs to end!
I read in the Tanzania's Citizen newspaper recently, that a 4 month year old baby bled to death after her parents had allowed a sangoma or witchdoctor to mutilate her genitals as a way of curing diarrhea. Her parents believed that mutilating her genital would cure the disease
she was suffering from traditionally known, as ‘Lawalawa.’I was surprised and shocked at the lack of knowledge our society still has on such issues as these and how a lot of effort still needs to be made to educate people on the risks that come with using "traditional" forms of medicine and curing. Something has to be done to save the lives of girl children being mutilated because of traditional and cultural beliefs and also as a way of curing diseases. Female Genital Mutilation is a centuries-old practice used to control women's sexuality in some
religions, although both Muslim and Christian leaders have spoken out
against it. The procedure involves the removal of the clitoris and
sometimes also other genital parts, usually in childhood or early
adolescence. It can lead to infection, painful sexual intercourse,
complications in childbirth, and eliminates any pleasure for women
during sex. According to Amnesty International, FGM is commonplace in 28 countries
in Africa as well as in Yemen, Iraq, Malaysia, Indonesia and among
certain ethnic groups in South America,
Coincidentally enough, I also read in this same week that the UN Committee has called for a global ban of girl mutilation. What does this exactly mean? It calls on the UN's 193 member states to condemn the practice and launch educational campaigns for girls and boys, women and men, to eliminate it. It also urges all countries to enact and enforce legislation to prohibit FGM, to protect women and girls "from this form of violence" and to end impunity for violators.
Ultimately, this information has to get to those who dont get any access to the internet, here I am speaking of people in the rural areas. Lets hope all efforts will end the dogma around FGM.
Coincidentally enough, I also read in this same week that the UN Committee has called for a global ban of girl mutilation. What does this exactly mean? It calls on the UN's 193 member states to condemn the practice and launch educational campaigns for girls and boys, women and men, to eliminate it. It also urges all countries to enact and enforce legislation to prohibit FGM, to protect women and girls "from this form of violence" and to end impunity for violators.
Ultimately, this information has to get to those who dont get any access to the internet, here I am speaking of people in the rural areas. Lets hope all efforts will end the dogma around FGM.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Helping underpriviledged kids through Art
In continuation on the topic of Kilakala Primary School, we
came up with some activities to assist the school. EXIM bank took a call to adopt
the school and assist it as a long-term project. The needs of the school are
plentiful and it will take time to get everything running in good order at the
school. The good news is, the work towards improving this school has already
On the 13th of august the bank gave 100 desks to the school
and is in the process of purchasing more desks to give to the school.
One of the ideas we came up with, in order to assist the
school was to do a one-week Art project of teaching the kids how to draw and
paint. After this project, the kids’ paintings would be auctioned at a high-end
masquerade dinner to be held in celebration of EXIM Banks 15th
anniversary. Through the assistance of Shama Jaffer, a professional art teacher
for children the kids not only acquired useful art skills through this project,
but also their paintings raised TSH7.1 million at the masquerade towards their
school. Overall, it was a success.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Together, lets make an impact on young lives!
Hey all,
So in the pursuit of making the world we live in a better place, we have come up with an initiative which we are running together within the 15th anniversary celebrations of EXIM Bank. I haven't posted in a bit, because we have been absolutely consumed running these activities, but let me start from the beginning. On the 13th of August we held an event at Kilakala Primary School in Yombo that is meant to assist the kids with getting educational material and helping in the overal development of the school. The present conditions of the school are not pleasant to say the least.
So in the pursuit of making the world we live in a better place, we have come up with an initiative which we are running together within the 15th anniversary celebrations of EXIM Bank. I haven't posted in a bit, because we have been absolutely consumed running these activities, but let me start from the beginning. On the 13th of August we held an event at Kilakala Primary School in Yombo that is meant to assist the kids with getting educational material and helping in the overal development of the school. The present conditions of the school are not pleasant to say the least.
The school is situated in Dar es Salaam, Temeke Region in
Yombo Vituka area. The students are coming from families, which live below
poverty line of which most of them are orphans living with HIV.
The school has 2896 students with 53 teachers only. All
these students are accommodated in 15 class rooms and they scramble for only
230 desks to seat on.
90% of the students write on the floor because there are
only 230 desks meant to cater for all the students. During National Exams the
school has to rent desks from nearby primary or secondary school for it’s
student do exams. In addition, the school also does not have enough books, as
the ratio is one book per 60 students.
The school doesn’t have a teachers office and so teachers
use classrooms or they just sit outside.
This is their only toilet that is used by 2896 students and
53 teachers plus other students of nearby schools
This is the new toilet that they have been trying to build
since beginning of last year, but it has not finished yet due to lack of more
The school has got no water facilities, if they need water
they have to buy Tsh 30 per bucket.
The bank took a call to assist the school as a long term
project. The needs of the school are plentiful and it will take time to get
everything running in good order at the school. The good news is. The work
towards improving this school has already begun.
On the 13th of august the bank gave 100 desks to the school
and is in the process of purchasing more desks to give to the school.
In addition, we have done a one-week project of
teaching the kids how to draw and paint through the assistance of Shama Jaffer,
a professional art teacher for children. Not only have the kids acquired useful
art skills through this project, but also their paintings will be auctioned at
a Masquerade dinner being held this coming Friday and all proceeds raised from this will go towards the
development of the school. Will let you see the update once the event takes place! Excited to see change taking place at this school!
Friday, 1 June 2012
Its time for us to be HEROES & HEROINES
I went to
donate blood today and I think this is the 1st time I have voluntary
gone to donate blood without being coerced into it. I once did it in High
school and for me it was more because the whole school was doing it. But today
I actually willfully went to donate blood. EXIM Bank was doing a blood donation
at the bank and since it is one of the clients I deal with I decided to go and
be a part of this initiative. What made me do this? To be honest when since I
worked on the corporate communications material for this campaign for EXIM
Bank, I did my research as to WHY we need to donate blood. Now its very
surprising that we, and by we I mean I am included, don’t know WHY we should
donate blood especially for our continent. Let me tell you why you need to just
take a few minutes of your day to donate blood, and especially if you are a
woman, an African one at that.
Because it
saves lives.
Don’t take this statement lightly. Let me give you the facts, but
first you must read the story below that took place in Uganda.
“Jennifer Anguko was slowly bleeding to death right in the maternity
ward of a major public hospital. Only alone midwife was on duty, the hospital
later admitted, and no doctor examined her for 12 hours. An obstetrician who
investigated the case said Ms. Anguko, the mother of three young children, had
arrived in time to be saved. Her husband,
Valente Inziku, a teacher, frantically changed her blood-soaked bedclothes as
her life seeped away. “I’m going to leave you,” she told him as he cradled her.
He said she pleaded, “Look after our children.” By CELIA W. DUGGER
Published: July 29, 2011
estimated fifty percent of maternal mortalities recorded in Accra are as a
result of the unavailability of blood for onward transfusion to the pregnant
women who need it. This
is according to the Manager of Donor Services, at the Korle-Bu Teaching
Hospital Blood Bank, Tetteh Carboo.
EXPRESS also indicated that less than
one percent of Ghanaians donate blood across the country adding that “the
percentage is so small you can’t even compute”.
It is regrettable that Ghana has
never achieved a 50 percent voluntary blood donation status, with the
percentage fluctuating between 28 and 45 percent despite other African
countries like Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Uganda and Togo having achieved 100 percent
In sub-Saharan
Africa alone, where blood supply is critically inadequate, severe haemorrhage
is a leading cause of maternal deaths.
bleeding during pregnancy or labour, is the leading cause for maternal deaths
in Rwanda, accounting for 34 percent of deaths, according to the Maternal
Deaths Audit, 2010.
one-pint of blood can save 3 lives! Imagine that. You can never know the day
when someone will need your blood. You could save a mother and a child! That to
me is great. And it only takes a few minutes of your time, you wont lose
ANYTHING at all. Go ahead and save a mother and her child, plus one more person
with your one pint of blood. If we all commit to donating blood 3 times every
year, we will be able to drastically reduce maternal deaths in our continent.
Come on everyone. We need to be the CHANGE we seek!
World Blood Donor Day on 14 June. Be a part of giving back and give your blood.
Saturday, 19 May 2012
The 2nd Dar Jazz Event
Hi! I got to do this interview for the mag "Whats Happening in Dar" for the 2nd Dar Jazz event sponsored by the American people through the U.S. Department of State's Arts Envoys Program. The event showcased American jazz musicians Bobby Ricketts, Delmar Brown, and Tony Bunn to Tanzania for the Annual Dar Jazz Event from April 18 - 21. Bobby Ricketts also offered workshops and performances at Triniti, the Alliance Francaise, the Goethe-Institut, and at Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt's residence. In all venues, Bobby Ricketts was joined by aspiring and top Tanzanian musicians, including Tanzanian hip hop (Bongo Flava) artist Fareed Kubanda (Fid Q), a 2010 International Visitors Leadership Program alumnus.
Bobby Ricketts is an American saxophonist from Boston, Massachusetts based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Through numerous artistic collaborations, his reputation has spread throughout Scandinavia, Europe, Japan and the U.S., and Tanzania. Bobby has made multiple trips to Tanzania, holding workshops and performances to inspire and raise the level of local musicianship.
Bobby Ricketts is an American saxophonist from Boston, Massachusetts based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Through numerous artistic collaborations, his reputation has spread throughout Scandinavia, Europe, Japan and the U.S., and Tanzania. Bobby has made multiple trips to Tanzania, holding workshops and performances to inspire and raise the level of local musicianship.

The intimate venues of Alliance Fancaise and Triniti entertained an outstanding crowdfor the Dar Jazz event this April. The concerts featured an all-star hot jazz quad led by internationally renowned saxophonist Bobby Ricketts, which included Delmar Brown(keys), Tony Bunn (bass), and proudly one of Tanzania’s own, Ezekiel Mwanja, on the drums. The quad performed songs that wereuniquely blending urban, jazz & world influences.
Lead Event Designer and founder of
French Kiss, Sabrina Millet-Kanabar (SK), shares about this event with Tadzi Madzima (TM) from "What Happening in Dar" magazine.
(French Kiss is an event planning and
marketing company/agency based here in Dar.)
TM: Give us a brief history of the Dar
Jazz event. What is it and when does it happen?
SK:The Dar Jazz Event is the brainchild
of its Creative Director, saxophonist Bobby Ricketts, and is a natural
progression of his "Band Doctor Seminars" held at THT. Using a jazz
or music festival format as a platform for development, The Dar Jazz Event seeks
to create a yearly event allowing the entire music community infrastructure of
Dar es Salaam to come together, and benefit from input and mentorship from a
team of international music professionals.
TM: Who are the main sponsors?
SK:The 2nd Dar Jazz Event has been
supported financially and many other ways by the American People & U.S.
Department of States but has also received the support of the Goethe-Institut
& Alliance Fancaise who have graciously hosted the 3 days workshop/rehearsals
and the TZ Freestyle Jazz Jam concert on Saturday 21st April.
SK:The 1st Dar Jazz Event has been our
first step into the materialization of Bobby's dream, a learning experience
reflected in the achievement of the 2nd Dar Jazz Event. The 2nd Dar Jazz Event
was a success at many levels.The first and most important one is the workshop,
as we had a young up-coming Tanzanian Jazz Band "Wakwetu Jazz Vibes"
through the entire program.Each Band member did leave with something to nurture
till next year when we meet again. And of course not forgetting the inspiring
collaboration between International and Local Artistswhich was a great success
to note, such as Ezekiel (drums), Twaba (percussions), Mbeya (hip-hop up-coming
talent), Yvonne Mwale & Mzungu Kichaa and their outstanding performances
during the shows.
TM: What were the highlights of the 2nd
Dar Jazz event?
SK: The highlights of the 2nd Dar Jazz
Event was its ability to reach even deeper into the local music community and
inspire many more musicians and artists, the huge audience success of
presenting a new Bongo Flava/Jazz Fusion - Mzungu Kichaa in particular - and
the emergence of young artist Yvonne Mwale.
TM: In comparison, what would you say
was the highlight of the 1st?
SK:I think the highlight of the 1st Dar
Jazz Event was the discovery of drummer Ezekiel Mwaja, and his intuitive
ability to heighten his skills almost daily, in order to be able to perform
alongside top international musicians. Also, we discovered that the fusion of
Bongo Flava and Jazz is an exciting cocktail.
the 1st event we had Tanzania House of Talent Band, feat. Mataluma &
Jessica as opening act and vocalists Barnaba, Amini & Mwasiti performing
along with International Artists.
TM: What makes you decide which band
should perform that is what qualities will you be looking for? General themes,
social commentary and personal sentiments.
qualities we are looking in a band would be: passion, motivation and
TM: You put together an ensemble of
internationally well renowned jazz artists for this event, Bobby Ricketts as
the pioneer of the event, with Tony Bunn on bass and Delmar Brown on keys. Have
the 3 performed together before?
Bobby Ricketts (sax) |
3 musicians named are not a band, and have no history of performing together.
What DJE does, is to assemble a team of international artists and music
professionals who are able to perform as soloists in their own right, yet
function as instructors or mentors during Dar Jazz Event seminars held during
the day. The primary goal of The Dar Jazz Event is to provide an instructional,
motivational, or inspirational platform for the local music community,
thereafter enabling music fans in Dar to benefit for the results of the
interaction, not only during the event, but hopefully all year long.
TM: There were some great appearances
from young upcoming artists such as Yvonne Mwale, Ezekiel Mwanja (drums),
Mzungu Kichaa, Twaba (percussions) and Mbeya (hip-hop up-coming talent). How do
these get to be chosen to perform, that is, what is the merit?
SK: During the course of the year,
certain artists or musicians are brought to the attention of The DJE
Coordination Team, Creative Director Bobby Ricketts, and the incumbent artist
team, who endeavor to provide a spotlight opportunity for young talent with
global potential.
our experience, young artists such as Yvonne Mwale, or young Tanzanian drummer
Ezekiel Mwaja, are deeply inspired and uplifted after days of interaction with
a team of professionals who are accustomed to performing with the top music
names globally. One of the results is, the Tanzanian artist becomes highly
motivated to do the work necessary to further develop their skills, which in
turn increases their odds of meeting the challenge of opportunity. When
opportunity knocks, only those with the talent and skill set required will be
able to answer and benefit.
SK:On the short-term our objective is to
strengthen our collaboration with current Local artists we have been working
with, continue discovering new talents and create a scholarship program to give
a strong ground to these young talents. We also plan to expend our International
Musicians Team but also widen our scope of expertise and propose a new workshop
program for next year. On the long run we see ourselves as The Dar Jazz
Festival, a platform for the convergence of top music artists from Tanzania,
the African continent and USA - Homeland of Jazz - upon the city of Dar es Salaam!
SK:The more, the merrier! Karibuni Sana!
We have started working on the next DJE and for those who would like to
participate or have an interest in the 3rd DJE program, please inbox us, We will add you into our mailing
list and keep you up-dated in due time. Our workshops are also open to Music
students, Music lovers and Artists.
TM: What is your message to all your
fans and people who love attending the Dar Jazz Event?
SK:Thank you for your continued support
but also for making The Dar Jazz Event a success. We look forward having you
next year for another mind blowing musical experience!
Thanks for reading!
Friday, 18 May 2012
Its been sometime since I posted in this blog and I had
absolutely missed catching up with all of you and especially writing about “a
day in the life of a career African driven woman.” And so what has been happening in
this career driven african womans life? Well I relocated to Tanzania, am living
in Dar es salaam and am working as the Head of Creative and Corporate
communications for an agency. I must say that relocating is a big career step
and takes a lot out of an individual. And as a mother and a wife, its even more
challenging especially for an African woman to make such a decision that moves
her away from her usual and comfortable “safe” surroundings. So what gives one
the push? And can we say that this is a decision that most african women are
having to face especially those who are in pursuit of their careers and are
caught in between their commitment to their comfortable environments and
actually moving away from that comfort zone into unknown territory in pursuit
of career. How many of us are actually willing to take that sort of a risk, of
forsaking our friends, family, familiar environment in pursuit of a career we
desire? Is it an easy decision for the african woman to make or does it still
come with resistance?
To be honest with you I honestly think that todays society has changed to a great deal, is willing to accept change and never ceases to surprise me. What was unheard of a few decades ago, is perfectly acceptable in todays society. At some point women were not to be seen in jeans/trousers/pants whatever you would like to call it, but today its the norm. So a woman who is as passionate about pursuing her career, an african woman at that, is nolonger such a surprise to people especially in africa. Look at Nonhle goes to hollywood and i could mention a few more women who have forsaken the comfort to pursue greater prospects.
My sister in law is actually going to complete her masters in the USA, she got a scholarship, she has 2 kids and is married, but guess what, she is still pursuing her dreams and career, and her whole family is tagging along with her! So i believe in all honesty, being married, having children, being a mother, cannot possibly stop you as an african woman from pursuing your career. All i can say to you is do it. There is no better time than now. I can tell you, moving to Dar, was a great move. It came with a lot of skeptisism not only from my family and friends but from me as well. Dont get me wrong. Tanzania is absoultely beautiful, with its beaches and great resorts. But there is a lot to adjust to, like the lack of town planning for one, the really bad roads, the threat of malaria and a not so efficient healthcare (and the scare that this poses for a mother like me). But there is one thing that drove me out of my beautiful country Zimbabwe, and thats career and opportunity. So I ask all women out there not to be afraid to dare. Dream big. Trust at the end that the powers that be, and here I mean God, is with you all the way. Once again, it’s great catching up with you after so long!
To be honest with you I honestly think that todays society has changed to a great deal, is willing to accept change and never ceases to surprise me. What was unheard of a few decades ago, is perfectly acceptable in todays society. At some point women were not to be seen in jeans/trousers/pants whatever you would like to call it, but today its the norm. So a woman who is as passionate about pursuing her career, an african woman at that, is nolonger such a surprise to people especially in africa. Look at Nonhle goes to hollywood and i could mention a few more women who have forsaken the comfort to pursue greater prospects.
My sister in law is actually going to complete her masters in the USA, she got a scholarship, she has 2 kids and is married, but guess what, she is still pursuing her dreams and career, and her whole family is tagging along with her! So i believe in all honesty, being married, having children, being a mother, cannot possibly stop you as an african woman from pursuing your career. All i can say to you is do it. There is no better time than now. I can tell you, moving to Dar, was a great move. It came with a lot of skeptisism not only from my family and friends but from me as well. Dont get me wrong. Tanzania is absoultely beautiful, with its beaches and great resorts. But there is a lot to adjust to, like the lack of town planning for one, the really bad roads, the threat of malaria and a not so efficient healthcare (and the scare that this poses for a mother like me). But there is one thing that drove me out of my beautiful country Zimbabwe, and thats career and opportunity. So I ask all women out there not to be afraid to dare. Dream big. Trust at the end that the powers that be, and here I mean God, is with you all the way. Once again, it’s great catching up with you after so long!
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Zimbabwe's Divine Ndhlukula, wins AFRICA Awards for Entrepreneurship!
Ndhlukula, a Zimbabwean national, is the founder and Managing Director of SECURICO, one of Zimbabwe’s largest security
companies. The Harare-based outfit is a market leader in the provision of
bespoke guarding services and cutting-edge electronic security solutions.
has done remarkably well. In less than 15 years of doing business, SECURICO has achieved a number of
significant feats: The $13 million (revenues) company now has more than 3,400
employees – 900 of whom are women. The company was also the first security
outfit in Zimbabwe to achieve an ISO (International Organization for
Standardisation) certification. Last December the company was the winner of the
prestigiousLegatum Africa Awards for
Ndhlukula is immensely proud of what she’s been able to accomplish so far. The Midlands State University MBA grad
granted me an interview recently during which she recounted her start-up
journey, shared a few lessons she’s learned in doing business in Zimbabwe and
relived her experience in winning the Africa Awards for Entrepreneurship.
me back to your earliest beginnings as an entrepreneur, right to the time you
founded SECURICO. Of all the opportunities in the world, what prompted you to
venture into the very male-dominated realm of security services?
have an Executive MBA from Midlands
State University and an MBA (Honorary) from Women’s University in Africa conferred
me in recognition of my business leadership and efforts on gender equality.
After attaining an accounting diploma from an institution in Zimbabwe, I worked
briefly for the government and Zimbabwe
Broadcasting Corporation as an accounting officer. I went on to
take up an appointment at Old Mutual and
later took up a job at a local insurance company in 1985. While I was working
at these places, I was always running around doing some small business on the
side – I was ordering clothes from Harare factories and selling them to
colleagues at work. Sometimes, I gave my friends in other companies some
clothes to sell for me and I gave them commissions on clothes sold. Within a
short while, I had made enough money to buy an 8-tonne truck, which I hired out
to a construction company.
time went on, a situation cropped up where I had to rescue my late father’s
farm from being auctioned. My brother (who had inherited the farm according to
our customs) had taken a loan with a local bank which he had been unable to
service, so the bank opted to auction the farm which my brother had tendered as
collateral. As a result, I had to sell the truck in order to raise funds to
rescue the family farm from being auctioned. The title of the farm was changed
into my name and I ventured into the farming business in 1992 and quit my job.
I then took a loan against my house in Harare, to prop up the farming business
and poured the loan in a maize crop that flopped due to a drought that season.
I was almost losing my house in 1995, I then went back to my former employers,
Intermarket Insurance (now ZB Insurance), and asked for my job back. Since I
had been one of their top performers, the company was happy to take me back. In
no time I moved to the executive team.
me say that right from a tender age, I had always told myself and everyone that
I was going to start and run my own business which I always envisaged as a
large business. Hence the time I had stopped working, I had taken time to learn
about all the critical elements of business as I had learnt my lesson the hard
way. Among the various development programmes I enrolled for was an
Entrepreneurial Development Programme which I did in 1995 and this indeed
sharpened my entrepreneurial competences in a big way. I learned elements like
opportunity seeking, to goal setting, business planning, networking etc.
quest to start and run my own company never dissipated and therefore, even as I
was back at work, I started scanning at the various opportunities that I could
see and think of.
in 1998 I saw an opportunity in the security services sector. The opportunity
was prompted by what I had noted in this sector- a total lack of
professionalism, quality and services that customers really yearned for. There
were two distinct groups of security organizations: the first group was
comprised of the long established and larger companies – there were about five
of them at the time. They literally had the market to themselves and did not
see the need then of meeting the customer’s expectations as they could simply
rotate the business among themselves in a cartel like arrangement.
second group was the small emerging or submerging companies which did not have
the resource capacity to service big corporations and the multinationals. In
short, the decision to start this company was made on the understanding that
only service and value addition was going to carry the day.
Monday, 5 March 2012
African women who changed our world
Jessica Horn – WNN Opinion
Women from The Greenbelt Movment in
Kenya work to save the ecosytem 2007. Image: Kasuga Sho
(WNN/OD) OPINION Africa: In the company of souls departed and souls
vibrantly alive, Jessica Horn reflects on the significance of the lives of
Nobel laureates Leymah Gbowee and the late Wangari Maathai, and the
transgressive power of African women on a mission.
Since I started to write for Our Africa
I have been sitting with the souls of African women who have changed the world.
For a week the spirits of Wambui Otieno and Funmilayo Ransome Kuti inhabited my
life and provided a reflection point on the meaning of “activism” and the
direction and strategies of women’s and feminist movements in Africa today.
These two women told stories of personal sacrifice and willingness to defy
convention, always for a purpose and regardless of ridicule. They kept
reminding me of commitment, how deep and how life-long your contributions to
transformation have to be if you want to see anything shift. They spoke about
being honest with yourself- learning to drive if you know you might need a
getaway car someday, organising your life on the basis of ethics rather than
the limiting social norms you are expected to follow, be it the choice of who
you love or your allies in political activism.
In September I was to interview Kenyan
Nobel Peace laureate, environmentalist and political activist Wangari Maathai
for Our Africa. I had begun to chart out a dialogue with her, a conversation
which kept coming back to the same fundamental questions: after all you have
seen and done, how do you think change happens? And what do you think us young
women need to do better if we are going to nurture the kinds of transformations
that you have catalysed? At the end of September I heard the news that Wangari
Maathai had passed away- and there I sat, mourning and celebrating in the
company of a soul who had changed the world.
Fortunately history has its own way of
providing solace. A little over a week after Wangari ‘s passing the Nobel
Committee announced that they had awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to three women –
two of them from Liberia- current President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and feminist
peace activist Leymah Gbowee. My mind began to fill with the songs sung by the
women from the Mass Action for Peace , the famous ‘women in white’ mobilised in
their thousands through the inspiring leadership of Leymah Gbowee to bring an
end to the Liberian civil war in 2003. And so I sat again, in the presence of
souls departed and souls vibrantly alive, considering the transgressive power
of African women on a mission….
Not just what you want, but how you get
there. I may not have had a chance to pose my questions to the Wangari Maathai
in person, yet when I sat recollecting my memories of wise words I had heard
her say, and reading the many eulogies to her life by fellow African feminists,
I realised that the answers lay there in front of me. The answers lay in the
way that she had lived her life and the ways in which she faced injustice – and
The late Wangari Maathai often used
fables and imagery to convey her analysis of the world and of what needs to be
done. In one powerful story she speaks of a hummingbird who sees a forest going
up in flames and decides, against the disparaging comments of its fellow
animals, to carry water in its beak and attempt against the odds to put out the
fire. The hummingbird’s response to its sceptical onlookers is to say: “I am
doing the best that I can…I may feel insignificant but I certainly do not want
to be like the other animals watching as the planet goes down the drain!”
Wangari Maathai was a hummingbird, but
she did not envision herself as a lone fire fighter. Instead, she rooted her
leadership in inspiring others to yearn for an end to the fire of political
deceit and environmental devastation, and a sense that even they could do
something about it. The Greenbelt Movement that she started in 1977 was built
through popular education, developing and passing on knowledge about
conservation and later about politics and social change with “everyday” Kenyan
women. Her populist approach remains an inspiration for a new generation of
African women activists. “She worked on environmental justice, but she spoke
about it in a language that even my grandmother could understand” reflects
Blessol Gathoni, a young organiser from Dandora – a Nairobi community listed as
one of the most polluted places in the world. Wangari Maathai motivated people
to plant millions of trees- inspiring each pair of hands that touched the soil
to consider the wellbeing of the earth and of future generations. That
collective act carries tremendous symbolism for young Nigerian feminist Amina
Doherty, who reflected in a personal email: “when I think about Dr. Maathai I
keep coming back to this wonderfully beautiful image of planting a tree.
Planting just one tree….and of groups of people coming together to plant trees…to
bring about change. It is about recognizing the value of one tree, and of
connecting individual trees to be part of something that is much bigger.”
Wangari Maathai exercised fearlessness
in the face of her calling. Alongside the “small acts” of growing forests, she
vocally denounced corruption and land grabbing, joining other women in daring
displays of popular public opposition against the dictatorship of Daniel Arap
Moi. She mobilised thousands to defend the commons, and as Zimbabwean human
rights activist Elinor Sisulu astutely notes, “she articulated and struggled
for accountability long before it was a safe buzzword.”
If you have met Nobel Laureate Leymah
Gbowee you will know that she shares this quality of fearlessness, and a voice
that never shies from speaking the truth. During the Liberian civil war Leymah
mobilised thousands of Liberian women to form the Mass Action for Peace,
calling on Christian and Muslim women to unite across religious lines in public
protest against war and the devastating violence committed against their fellow
Liberians. It may seem incredulous that a field full of unarmed women could
succeed in ending a lucrative mineral-fuelled civil war, and yet they did just that.
Leymah Gbowee and the women of the Mass Action for Peace were as strategic as
they were brave, using their moral power as mothers and daughters, their rights
as citizens, and their connections to the women in Charles Taylors’ life to
gain audience and put their message for an end to war across.
As a leader amidst this group of women
Leymah Gbowee was relentless in her commitment to the possibility of a Liberia
at peace. In 2003, while governments focused on supporting formal peace
negotiators and warring factions from all sides to come together inside a
conference room in Ghana, she and her colleagues found a way to bring Liberian
women as close as they could- camping outside the conference centre and
continuing their protest for peace. At the time the international community was
yet to recognise the power that Leymah Gbowee and her fellow women could wield.
In fact the protesters relied on the support of fellow African women to
persevere, including financial support and solidarity from the African Women’s
Development Fund and women from Accra and Northern Ghana. On hearing that the
men inside the conference room were refusing to agree, Leymah posed the
ultimate insult to a system of men’s power by threatening to bear her naked
body in public- a form of ritual humiliation common in many African societies.
That act of defiance, communicated in a language no official peace negotiator
can speak, is credited with breaking the stalemate in negotiations. The result
was the Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement and a formal end to the second
Liberian civil war. Two years later Africa’s first woman President and now
fellow Nobel Laureate, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, was voted into office with the
support of- and a pledged commitment to – the women who had fought for a better
In the book Voice Power and Soul:
Portraits of African Feminists, Leymah Gbowee reflects on what inspires her own
activism, saying: “the level of passion for change that is exhibited by
ordinary African women speaks to me personally. My thought is always, ‘if she
is not giving up, despite the odds, who am I to give up?’”. The irony is that
we feel the same way about Leymah, as we do about Ellen and our departed
sisters and mentors Wangari, Wambui, Funmilayo – and all the African women who
had led in deed and not just in word. They are hummingbirds, calling on all of
us to consider making an equivalent commitment to quelling whatever flames of
degradation and injustice we encounter. As the African activist salutation
goes- Viva! Long live their example, and long live each of ours.
Horn is a writer and women’s rights consultant. She is a founding member of the
African Feminist Forum and co-editor of Voice, Power and Soul: Portraits of
African Feminists. She has consulted for a range of organisations including
private donors, women’s rights organisations, international NGOs and UN
agencies on advancing sexual and reproductive rights, ending violence against
women, supporting women living with HIV and ensuring women’s rights in
post-conflict reconstruction and peacebuilding.
©2012 WNN – Women News Network
encourages conversation. All opinions expressed here belong to the author and
do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Women News Network – WNN. This op-ed
is part of an ongoing WNN partnership with openDemocracy.
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